Coverage Insights – Third-party Employment Practices Liability Insurance

By SCSAI / October 20, 2020 / 0 Comments

Standard EPLI policies only provide coverage for lawsuits brought about by employees or prospective employees, and most commercial general liability (CGL) policies specifically exclude coverage for harassment and discrimination. Third-party EPLI fills this gap between EPLI and CGL, and offers protection against allegations of wrongful acts made by customers, clients, vendors and suppliers.

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Robbery Prevention Checklist

By SCSAI / October 20, 2020 / 0 Comments

With robberies on the rise, it is important for businesses to do all they can to prevent and mitigate risk, particularly during night shifts. To assist businesses in implementing a robbery prevention program, OSHA has developed a set of questions that can be used to assess a business’s robbery exposure.

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Cyber Risks & Liabilities – Q3 2020

By SCSAI / August 6, 2020 / 0 Comments

Phishing attacks have become increasingly sophisticated in recent years and can take place in a variety of different formats. This quarter’s Cyber Risks & Liabilities newsletter outlines common phishing attacks and how to avoid them, emphasizes the importance of protecting your business with cyber insurance and summarizes key coverage features included in a typical cyber liability policy.

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