Work Comp Insights – Workers’ Compensation Trends to Watch in 2021

By SCSAI / December 29, 2020 / 0 Comments

Not only is workers’ compensation coverage required in most states, but it also plays a major role in connecting injured employees to the care they need to return to work as quickly and safely as possible.

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Five Strategies for Reducing Workers’ Compensation Costs

By SCSAI / December 3, 2020 / 0 Comments

When a company experiences significant increases in workers’ compensation costs, it usually triggers internal activities aimed at reducing insurance costs and spending. The key to spending fewer dollars is more than just stopping a few accidents; it is having a sound safety program designed to continuously improve.

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Home Matters: Candle Safety Considerations

By SCSAI / December 3, 2020 / 0 Comments

Ambiance and fresh-baked cookie scent aside, candles can be a fire hazard if they are left unattended or placed where they can start other objects on fire. Your best bet? Learn to use candles safely.

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Coverage Insights – Difference-in-Conditions (DIC) Insurance

By SCSAI / December 3, 2020 / 0 Comments

These days, floods, earthquakes and similar catastrophes are common threats to a business’s property. In fact, according to the Insurance Information Institute, natural disasters cause billions of dollars in property losses in the United States each year.

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Home Matters – Dont Let the Stairs Trip You Up

By SCSAI / December 3, 2020 / 0 Comments

The stairs are actually one of the most dangerous places in the home because of the falling hazard. Falls account for almost a third of all accidental deaths in the home each year.

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Safety Matters – Avoid Winter Slip-ups

By SCSAI / December 3, 2020 / 0 Comments

Winter months present additional hazards that are typically not factors for employees during warmer weather – specifically, slip and fall concerns. With snow and ice-covered conditions, you run the risk of taking major falls, which can lead to serious injuries.

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