Work Comp Insights: Considerations for Choosing a Medical Provider for Workers’ Compensation Injuries

By SCSAI / October 19, 2021 / 0 Comments

When it comes to treating work-related injuries, selecting the right doctor is paramount and can make all the difference when it comes to helping an employee return to work quickly. However, there are a number of considerations and specific guidance when it comes to selecting a medical provider for workers’ compensation injuries.

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Risk Insights – Cyber Security and the SEC

By SCSAI / October 17, 2021 / 0 Comments

According to the head of National Security Agency and U.S. Cyber Command, cyber attacks on U.S. computer networks are on the rise. With the increasing reliance on computer networks and digital data, companies will continue to see an increase in cyber risks, including cyber attacks. This Risk Insights article contains information about the Security and Exchange Commission’s guidelines for businesses to handle a data breach.

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Know Your Insurance: Understanding the 80% Rule for Home Insurance

By SCSAI / October 14, 2021 / 0 Comments

When it comes to your home, making sure you’re adequately insured is of the utmost importance. Despite this, many homeowners are unaware of the “80% rule” for home insurance and, as a result, find themselves underinsured when trying to replace their personal property after a loss. Understanding the 80% rule—and following it—can help you protect yourself and your home.

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Benefits of Non-owned Auto Liability Insurance

By SCSAI / October 12, 2021 / 0 Comments

If employees use personal vehicles for business-related activities and get into an accident, your organization could be held liable. That’s why it’s critical to have non-owned auto liability insurance, which can provide a number of key benefits. Read more here:

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Retail Risk Insights: Protect Your Online Retail Network

By SCSAI / October 10, 2021 / 0 Comments

With the increasing popularity of smartphones and tablets, access to online shopping websites is only a fingertip away for most consumers. As a result, the online retail industry is an increasingly attractive target for major cyber attacks. The results—including tarnished reputations, lost sales and costly lawsuits—can be devastating. This Risk Insights discusses security threats to an online retailer’s network and how to mitigate those risks.

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Home Matters: Don’t Let the Stairs Trip You Up

By SCSAI / October 7, 2021 / 0 Comments

The stairs are actually one of the most dangerous places in the home because of falling hazards. In fact, falls account for almost one-third of all accidental deaths in the home each year. Of these falling deaths, incidents involving stairs are the second most common. To protect against injuries from using the stairs, consider these safety recommendations.

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