Loss Control Tips – Food Distributors

By SCSAI / January 11, 2023 / 0 Comments

Owning and operating a food distribution company can be a rewarding endeavor. These businesses play a major role in the overall food distribution process, serving as the link that connects a wide range of customers (e.g., hotels, restaurants, cafes, corporate cafeterias, hospitals, schools and universities) with high-quality food products. However, operating a food distribution business […]

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Personal Lines inSights Newsletter – January 2023

By SCSAI / January 9, 2023 / 0 Comments

Discover tips for staying healthy in winter, updating your address after a move and adding a teen to your auto insurance policy in this month’s newsletter. DOWNLOAD

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Loss Control Tips – Nonprofit Organizations

By SCSAI / January 6, 2023 / 0 Comments

This resource outlines common risks nonprofit organizations must address and offers helpful strategies to avoid possible claims. DOWNLOAD

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Mental Health Minute Newsletter – January 2023

By SCSAI / January 4, 2023 / 0 Comments

This month’s Mental Health Minute Newsletter highlights takeaways from the new framework for mental health and well-being in the workplace and the impact of sleep on mental health. DOWNLOAD

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Loss Control Tips – Towing Operations

By SCSAI / January 2, 2023 / 0 Comments

In addition to the risks common in every industry, towing businesses face unique liabilities due to the movement of vehicles and the presence of large, heavy equipment. That’s why it’s vital to establish effective loss control measures. This resource outlines common risks towing operations must address and offers helpful strategies to avoid possible claims. DOWNLOAD

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Loss Control Tips – General Contractors

By SCSAI / December 30, 2022 / 0 Comments

Due to their wide variety of operations and responsibilities, general contractors are often exposed to many safety, liability and property risks. That’s why it’s vital to have effective loss control measures in place. Download this resource for some common risks general contractors must address and helpful strategies to avoid possible claims. DOWNLOAD

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